24 July, 2008

Social : The POWER of Faith, Belief, and Prayer - CURED STAGE IV Cancer

Exogeny Network

From: Mike Fesler PowerNetworker on 24-Jul-08 11:06am
Thank you so much.

I hope you are ready for this?
As of the last Dr. appointment this new info.

I just want to shout it from the roof tops !!
The power of good thoughts and prayer is SO UNDER ESTIMATED !!

Teri still remains in great spirits. And her strength is holding.
Thank GOD !!
Please see Note from Teri below.

As we confirmed (from the prior testing), by the comparative reports that the cancer has shrunk from a 10.2, down to a 3, it is now down to a 1.7 and holding with 0 growth !!!

And now. . . -0- other cancer has been detected anywhere in her entire body !!

It has all. . . just gone away. . . disappeared !!

You are witness to a miracle !!
Praise GOD !!

The plan is now to go in and remove the small spot of cancer on her lung, and radiate the area briefly to ensure any other contamination from cancer is destroyed.

This is unheard of. . . stage IV cancer being cured? The Dr's are in awe, (the Dr's are believers as well) and they themselves have stated that this is a miracle.

----------Note from Teri:

, that's the word for what God is doing in me.
I want to express to all of you my gratitude for your continued prayers and
thoughts while I've been going through this journey of mine. I'm truly blessed to have
so many who have taken the time to inquire how I am, and what's happening in my life.
At this point, I'm finished with chemo but waiting to here from the surgeon with regards to surgically removing the section on the lung. After that it's a round of radiation,
(just in case a stray cell is still present).

Then, well it's one step at a time.
I KNOW my God has got it !!
May God bless you all with his love and peace as he has me, and my family.

The road is still long and there will be other procedures to follow, but with Gods grace and proper monitoring. . this could be a total cure for Teri.

Please. . . Please pass this on to others that I may of missed or that you may of told, of Teri's miracle from God. This way, others may be blessed as well.

It makes a difference not only because of Teri, But because of the change in you and others.
We firmly believe that without YOUR faithful generosity of compassion for one another . . . this WOULD NOT be happening.

Thank you again for everything, especially your continued prayers and good thoughts !!

Stay In His Grip.

Blessings to you and yours,

Our Continued Paryers Go to Teri, Mike, and the Fesler Family

View Gregory R. Miller LION[mr.gregoryrmiller@gmail.com]'s profile on LinkedIn
Gregory Miller
Profit Generation Program Company
Cleveland, OH, 44102 United States
Work: (440) 665-5601

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