08 June, 2008

Exogeny Network ExoHash

This post was republished to Exogeny Network at 3:11:27 AM 6/8/2008

Exogeny Network ExoHash

Exogeny Network sm – "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
- Douglas Adams


Welcome to Exogeny Network sm


View Gia Scott's profile

View Gregory R. Miller's profile


from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up Exogeny in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Exogenous (or exogeneous) (from the Greek words "exo" and "gen", meaning "outside" and "production") refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of endogenous, something generated from within the system.

In an economic
model, an exogenous change is one that comes from outside the model and is unexplained by the model. For example, in the simple supply and demand model, a change in consumer tastes or preferences is unexplained by the model and also leads to endogenous changes in demand that lead to changes in the equilibrium price. Put another way, an exogenous change involves an alteration of a variable that is autonomous, i.e., unaffected by the workings of the model.

In linear regression, it means that the variable is independent of all other response values.

In biology, "exogenous" refers to an action or object coming from the outside of a system. For example, an exogenous contrast agent in medical imaging refers to a liquid injected into the patient intravenously that enhances visibility of a pathology, such as a tumor.

In biology, an exogenous factor is any material that is present and active in an individual organism or living cell but that originated outside of that organism, as opposed to an endogenous factor.

Exogenous factors in medicine include both pathogens and therapeutics.
DNA introduced to cells via transfection or viral infection (transduction) is an exogenous factor.
Carcinogens are exogenous factors.

The word exogenous is also used in geology. Exogenous processes are all taking place at the outside of the Earth and all the other planets. Weathering, erosion, transportation and sedimentation are the main exogenous processes.

In attentional psychology, exogenous refers to attention being drawn without conscious intention (see Posner, 1980). An example of this would be attention drawn to a flashing light in the periphery of vision.

In Ludology, the study of games, exogenous refers to anything outside the game itself. Therefore an item in a Massive Multiplayer Online Game would have exogenous value if people were buying it with real world money rather than in game currency (though its in game cost would be endogenous).

See also

Endogenous growth theory

Posner, M.I. (1980), Orienting of attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 32: 3 – 25.
Retrieved from "

(c) Copyright 2008 Exogeny Network Media Partners All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Main Offices in New Orleans Louisiana - Cleveland Ohio - United States
Dedicated in Loving Memory to Myrtle F. Miller




Welcome to the partners on the network...

What are you working on?
This one is personal...
Gregory R. Miller's blog NOT on "MySpace" - (Thanks, Tom!)


What is "blogging"? Some twisted form of a BBS, I would imagine?
I do not "blog".
I write. Specifically, I write contracts.
Thank you.
Some of the things I write about do include my interests.

  • Blogging


Constructive Criticism & Debate Taken On:

Theoretical Physics, Personal Advisor and Executive Consultant; Telecommunications; IMAPs; Project ImplemenT ; Industrial Aerospace Engineering Applications; Propulsion Theory; Advanced Technological Physical Automotive Relativity Modeling; Socioeconomic & Micro molecular Forensic Genetic Auditing; Bioengineering; Astrophysical Theorem; Interstellar Exploration; Subatomic Electromagnetic Telescopic Laser Spectrometry; Socioeconomic Dynamic Paradigm Modification Programming; Council on Foreign Relations (United States); Agriculture; Transportation Logistics; Aplastic Petroleum Hydrocarbon Separation; Nuclear Fusion Physics; CERN; IAEA; Duplex Quantum Entanglement Theory; NASA; JPL; Exopolitical Diplomatic Administration.

General Interests Regarding:

Agriculture, Astrophysical Theorem, Bioengineering, CERN, IAEA, IMAPs, Interstellar Exploration, JPL, NASA, Nuclear Fusion Physics, Project ImplemenT, Propulsion Theory, Telecommunications, Transportation Logistics

Honors and Awards:

Commendation from the Hon. Louis Stokes, United States House of Representatives, Congress of The United States, Nominated as an Ambassador of Good Will to the then U.S.S.R. by former United States president the Hon. George H.W. Bush.


  • The Profit Generation Program Company Group
  • The Society of Industry Leaders, Standard & Poor's.
  • Toastmasters of America honorary
  • Profit Generation Program Company Group, on Yahoo!, LinkedIn & Plaxo.

I am on blogger.com - - did that in the middle of writing all of this....

I am proudly a Linkshare Affiliate Program Client
"Advising or consulting on serious, innovative projects in my areas of interest.
Interested In:
• career opportunities
• consulting offers
• new ventures
• job inquiries
• expertise requests
• business deals
• reference requests
• getting back in touch

My Job Summary:


Profit Generation Program Company connects Private Placements Members with institutional money managers who are analyzing investment opportunities.
PGPC Capital provides Consumer services.


Construction, Asset allocation, Consultation, Competitive Analysis, Direct Marketing, Financing, Franchising, Marketing, Media creation and management, Analyzing investment opportunities, Institutional management, Contract management, Private capital placements, Communications, Sales, Mediation

Groups online:

The ExecuNet Group on LinkedIn
The Analyst Network on LinkedIn
Profit Generation Program Company Group on LinkedIn
The Official John McCain for President Group on LinkedIn
Profit Generation Program Company Group on Plaxo
Profit Generation Program Company Group on Yahoo! Groups
Investor Seeking Entrepreneurs on Yahoo! Groups
Gemach on Yahoo! Groups,
ICAR State Director, for State of Ohio
Paranormal Radio Network,
Internet Radio,
ICAR on Plaxo
ACORN on Plaxo
UFOs & Alien Phenomena, Yahoo! Groups

What I have Accomplished of late that I am extremely proud of:
Partner at The Exogeny Network sm : (GP lp - Cleveland Office)
Recommendation for ME :
"Gregory is an amazing person, with more information in his head than the average library. He never ceases to amaze me with his instant recall of minute detail. He is someone that is an asset to anything he applies himself to, a total joy to have on the same team, and a formidable adversary if he is in opposition. In the 9 years that I have known him, I have never seen him lose his temper, even when provoked. I am proud to have him as a friend and colleague." April 2, 2008
Georgia Scott, partner, The Exogeny Network sm Radio Network
was with another company when working with Gregory R. at GP lp - Cleveland Office

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Myrtle F. Miller

(c) Copyright 2008 Exogeny Network sm Media Partners All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Main Offices in New Orleans Louisiana - Cleveland Ohio - United States


Exigencies ℠ 04/20/2008 - The Sales Section of Blog for Exogeny Network Media

This post was published to Exogeny Network at 5:56:44 PM 5/17/2008

Webster's Defines:



Main Entry:



\ˈek-sə-jən(t)-sē, ig-ˈzi-jən(t)-\



Inflected Form(s):

plural ex•i•gen•cies

Date: 1581

1: that which is required in a particular situation —usually used in plural exigencies of modern warfare — D. B. Ottaway>2 a: the quality or state of being exigent b: a state of affairs that makes urgent demands exigency>

synonyms see juncture

Learn more about "exigency" and related topics at Britannica.com

Pronunciation Symbols


This post was published to Exogeny Network™ at 1:01:10 AM 6/8/2008

Recommending anagram™ by Textual™

I am Recommending anagram™ by Textual™ (it's a text and contact grabbing utility for saving time entering data into e-mail and other forms)

Copyright © 2001 - 2005 Textual™ or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. anagram™, Textual™, and the Textual™ logo are trademarks of Textual™ or its subsidiaries. Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Palm™ is a trademark of Palm™, Inc.

HotSync® is a registered trademark of Palm™, Inc.

Outlook® is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.

Agendus™ is a trademark of Iambic, Inc.

This post was published to Exogeny Network at 5:59:32 PM 5/17/2008


Exogeny Network sm

View Gia Scott's profile

Gia Scott's Dawn of Shades sm 04/22/2008 – (http://www.exogenynetwork.com/default.aspx


Welcome to another episode of the dawn of shades. I am your host, Gia Scott, and today is April 22, 2008...also known as Earth Day. I have been having a technology failure month, so maybe it's made me very conscious of the new world we live in, which has very little in common with the world of my childhood when the message of taking care of our planet was first getting some serious attention. Yes, I know there were ecology pioneers far sooner, but we're going to stick to the latest bit right now.

See, I had a very unique childhood; I grew up with people who had been born in the 1800s as an active part of my day to day life. My great grandparents literally saw the world go from telegraph and trains and horses to a man landing on the moon, and still they lived on. They were proud to be American, even though by today's standards, my great grandmother was an illegal alien, as she was born in Canada and came across the border in a wagon with her family, without paperwork or anything, to live in their new home near Hesper, Iowa. One of their sons, my great uncle, was killed in a plane crash in the Gulf of Mexico in the fifties, in the air force, and the flag that had covered his coffin remained on display on my great grandmother's piano every single day.

They had been still raising their family when the depression struck, and no one had to tell them to recycle and reuse. That was how you survived, by using everything over and over until there was no possible way to use it again, and then...it became a rag or tinder or something else for its final duty. For them, taking care of the earth sort of happened as a result of economics, I suppose.

Today, we have a disposable culture. Things aren't fixed; they are designed to have a finite life, and to be disposed of somehow at the end of that relatively short life. Most of them land in the landfills, despite having reusable components and recyclable parts because of the difficulty in finding anyone to do that. I live in New Orleans, and the recycling here is minimal, we're still trying to get things fixed after Katrina, so most recycling is a more personal experience.

Then we have our national economy, rising gas prices, massive layoffs of employees, financial institution crisises lining up like ducks in a cheap arcade, and we're told we don't have a recession...yet. Sure am glad, hate to see what one of those would be like. We hear of food riots in other countries, but we still have food available, although the prices are rising dramatically with each trip to the grocery store. I'm starting to wonder if buying the freeze dried foods like are marketed to survivalist groups might not be a better pay off than a savings account or stocks. I've noted some items in the grocery store jumping as much as 25% in a single week. I've seen gas jumping by twenty and thirty cents, not by a few cents. My income has not increased, but my cost of living has steadily increased, so that it is like I have taken a 25% cut in pay. I find myself staying home more, buying less, and taking care of more things on the phone and internet, rather than having to physically go to a business. I am refusing to use my air conditioner yet, despite rising temperatures, which haven't been too bad yet this week. I have to admit, my cats and dogs are filing complaints though.

I am sure that I am not the only one that is cutting every corner possible, which has the trickledown effect of reducing our impact on the planet. With rising temperatures, I don't cook much, it's just not worth its effects of increasing the temperatures in the kitchen, so I use the microwave and heat up something or I have a cold meal. I have windows open for cooler fresh air to come in, and use a fan instead of the air conditioner, and for now, that will work, but when the temperature and the humidity are the same, I will have to break down and turn on the air conditioning or move to a cooler climate. I am truly understanding why everyone who could afford it left New Orleans in the spring in the old days.

So, what are YOU doing to reduce your planetary impact and ease the crunch on your budget? Almost everyone I know is doing SOMETHING, whether it's installing the low profile florescent light bulbs or adjusting their thermostat or staying home more or not replacing their appliances or shopping for used goods. ALL of those things are a form of recycling and saving, good for our budgets and good for our planet. We don't all have to run out and buy solar panels and start wearing weird looking clothes made out of recycled grocery bags while we stomp around in clumsy shoes made by cutting up old tires in order to be good for our environment. What is good for our budgets is also usually good for our planet. Instead of buying throw away plastic containers to send leftovers home with the neighbor after a party...save the containers that dairy products or something came in. so what if it says "fat cow dairy" or whatever on the side? Shop at yard sales, thrift stores, and second hand stores...you can save money and instead of worrying about someone looking down their nose at you for buying USED goods, you can look down your nose at them, say you are RECYCLING and don't have to add that you saved enough money on buying used items to pay this month's electric bill. Re-using is the most cost effective method of recycling, as there is a ZERO cost of processing in terms of energy use.

Use the internet to research where to go and how to find your desired used items with minimal driving. Most cities and areas now have an organization called freecycle, which is geared to giving your used goods to someone who wants it, without a middleman. It's fun, I've used it myself both to acquire something I needed and get rid of things I didn't need. It's all done through the internet, and in the case of New Orleans, it's a yahoo group, free to join.

Fads come and go, ideas shift, and where recycling was once a sign of hard times, it's now become the fashionable thing to do, whether its recycling plastic or adopting your new pet from an animal shelter. Ideas do that over time.

Tonight's topic is about symbolism, and specifically, America's national symbols that appear everywhere. Some have been claiming they are symbols of all sorts of diabolical ideology of our founding fathers, and few of us have a clue what their true origins really are. Tonight's guest is Dr. Robert Hieronimus, and that is exactly what our topic is, but we are going to start off with twisting his arm to do his own introduction, as he is far more articulate than I am, as well as far more knowledgeable about his own achievements.

(c) Copyright 2008 Exogeny Network Media Partners All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Main Offices in New Orleans Louisiana - Cleveland Ohio - United States

Exogeny Network sm



Post from Gregory R. Miller

Just to let everyone know, I am available on Ecademy.com


You can also XING me


View Gia Scott's profile

Exogeny Network sm

– "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
- Douglas Adams


- Does anyone have some Kool-Aid? Oh, Yeah!!

The goal of this blog post is to further the quest to remove "Exogeny" from being tagged as incorrectly spelled by automatic spell-check software all across the globe!!

Add Exogeny Network to your active dictionary files! Write an E-mail!

I am actively seeking programming topics. Send them to: GregoryRMiller@OfficeLiveUsers.com

I would like anyone who takes ACTIVE interest in Internet Radio to click the link to Ecademy on this blog and JOIN "Internet Radio" an active club for members on ecademy who wish to pursue the business end of what has yet to appear in this blog regarding Exogeny Network. I am also favorable toward your interest in several other Clubs that I either moderate or participate in on ecademy.

Everything I "plug" here is Exogeny. It so happens that I enjoy ecademy. I give no erstwhile endorsement. I am as active as I can be given my schedule, as you are.

Thanks for reading ExoHash, and all things Exogeny. Without Your reading, listening, writing, calling into the live shows; or even calling my phone - Exogeny would just be an idea.

With you the reader, the listener, the blog poster, Exogeny becomes what it is meant to be, one program, one post, one thought at a time.

Podcasts of Recent Dawn of Shades Broadcasts

Over the past several weeks I have had the privilege of appearing Twice on the Internet Radio Broadcast
"Dawn of Shades" with Host Gia Scott.

This program is produced by Paranormal Radio Network.

Archives of the show are available on
Paranormal Radio Network.

Dawn Of Shades Pt 1 discussion panel looks at our changing time and the survival & coping skills we need to get through them.

Played: 56 | Download | Duration: 00:56:09

Hosted by Gia Scott

Posted by Paranormal Radio Network at 5/13/2008 7:18 PM | Add Comment

Dawn Of Shades Pt 2 discussion panel looks at our changing time and the survival & coping skills we need to get through them.

Played: 84 |Download
| Duration: 00:46:54

Hosted by Gia Scott

Posted by Paranormal Radio Network at 5/13/2008 7:59 PM | Add Comment

I found a review of the Tuesday Night Broadcast.

Beyond the Dial


Dawn Of Shades Pt2 discussion panel looks at our changing time and the survival & coping skills we need to get through them.

1 day ago in Beyond the Dial by LesleyinNM · Authority: 8

Host Gia Scott had a panel show featuring two guests, myself and the mysterious survivalist "The Hippie".

I have more commentary, but at the moment, this expedited ExoHashsm has to satisfy my writing "Jones".

Does anyone have some Kool-Aid? Oh, Yeah!!

Thank You For Your Readership

Exogeny Network


This post was published to Exogeny Network at 12:29:50 AM 5/25/2008


Exogeny Networksm – "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
Douglas Adams

The Reality of Silence

Gia Scott

What I am about to say is probably not going to be particularly popular with a lot of folks, and will probably truly anger a lot more. But, I think all Americans need to think a little bit. About our Declaration of Independence, about the Bill of Rights, about our Constitution, and about our Constitutional Amendments.

As a child, I attended public schools. One of the things that I was taught was that many of our ancestors came to this continent in search of religious freedom after enduring persecution or disfavor in their prior homeland as the result of being part of an unpopular, minority religious sect. Many were Puritans and Quakers. As for my own European ancestors, I'm not quite sure why they emigrated, that part of the story has been forgotten, the only hints are suggestions that some of them left their homeland in a very big hurry, suggesting that there may have been "issues" with the local authorities there.

For a couple of hundred years, our tradition has included religious freedom. We have occasionally had problems with particular locales not liking a particular minority religion, and that has caused the people in question to sometimes relocate, sometimes be the victims of vigilante groups to encourage conformity with the community. We don't have a bloodless history even within our own borders. Still, the official stance has been to include religious freedom.

The Mormons were pressured into conforming by eliminating polygamy from their practices long ago. A small sect has continued to practice this, after having broken away from the Church of Latter Day Saints over this difference in doctrine. Recently, this group has been under intense scrutiny for allegations that they forced young girls into marriages not of their choice. In these days and times, that is not allowed.

But historically, even outside of polygamy, this practice was pretty commonplace in terms of arranged marriages. It wasn't just the ways of the royal and noble families—my own great grandmother was "forced" to marry a man she scarcely had met, as a result of an arranged marriage. She often had told me the story when I was a young girl. They were married for over fifty years, and had a number of children, and probing into history as recent as their lives proved rather surprising and interesting. I'm not sure what religion either one had been in their youth, but I do know that in later years, they attended the local United Methodist church, which was pretty mainstream America when I was a child.

But, as a friend I discussed this topic with a few days ago reminded me, polygamy is illegal. Practicing it is a crime. I have watched this scene in Texas playing out, and of all the things I have seen in news reports, I have never once seen any sign of anyone being charged with polygamy. I have seen accusations of sexual abuse and child abuse. I have seen adults placed in foster care and labeled as minors. I have seen children who had been raised in an environment that was far different from mainstream America's being removed from that environment, from their parents, and even from their siblings...and put into foster care. I still haven't heard any reports of any adults, specifically adult males, being charged with any crime and put in jail or even just arraigned in court. The sole male accused has not been in Texas for years, and could not possibly have committed a crime in the state of Texas.

In the early 1900s, there was a practice of removing Native American children from their families, involuntarily if necessary, and sending them away to boarding school, where they had their hair cut, their native language forbidden, their religious beliefs forbidden, and they were forced to attend a Christian church. After their eight years of schooling, they were sent home.

After eight years, they frequently had forgotten their language, their culture, their religion, and their way of life. They sometimes had little affection for their siblings, parents, and other family members. On occasion, they barely remembered any of them. This practice shattered many Native American tribes' cultural and religious identity in the name of forcing them into the American mainstream. Many people believe it also contributed heavily to the rise in substance abuse, criminal activity, and dysfunctional families that plague many reservations because something had to fill the void left by the loss of their identity.

I'm seeing the same thing with any religious sect that is regarded as different over the last couple of decades. Now granted, I may not agree with their ideology. There are many religious groups that have NOT been the victim of these raids that I regard as far more insidious and dangerous, and definitely disagree with their ideology. But...who is deciding what is acceptable and what is not? Is there a Department of Religion that approves acceptable religions?

Supposedly, the reason for the raid was a call from a sixteen year old girl the victim of a forced marriage and forced sex with an adult male. Strangely, this girl has never been found. No one knows anything about her. The man she claimed was her husband hasn't been in Texas for years. A little odd, isn't it?

As for the polygamy, this is the 21st century. How many of us know people, married or not, that have multiple sexual partners. How many of those contribute to their extra partner's financial well being? Even in small amounts? How is a polygamous marriage all that different from a man who has a wife, a girlfriend, and a couple of regular sexual partners? Legally, a marriage to multiple women is not recognized, therefore does not exist. So, in essence, there is no legal difference between the man with the mistress and the man with a polygamous marriage with a second wife. So these marriages are "spiritual" in nature, does that mean a nun, who has entered into a spiritual marriage with Christ, upon departure from the convent and her status as a nun...does she need to obtain a legal divorce prior to considering a legal marriage with a human man?

I think the real crux of the matter is that I see a trend in which anyone who is regarded as different, who dares set themselves apart from mainstream society FOR ANY REASON, has become a suspect, regardless of their lack of interest in anything remotely resembling anarchy, overthrowing the government, terrorism, etc. It makes me nervous, this apparent attack on the different.

A few years ago, a group of friends had discussed possibly buying a small farm in a rural area together, mostly to use for vacations and a private retreat, a place for us to show our children a small piece of our childhoods with a barn, trees, pastures, a creek, and the freedom we had enjoyed. We never got past the planning stage, for a number of reasons, and in a way, I'm glad. Would we have suddenly been a suspicious religious sect because we advocated learning old skills and knowledge of a simpler way of living? Would soap making and apple bobbing and making jelly and shocking grain and making wheat dollies been regarded as potentially illegal and abuse of our children? Several single mothers were among our little band, would someone have claimed that we were really the spiritual wife of one of the men? And if the scale had shifted, and it had included more adult men than adult women, would we have had some other far more insidious plans for that small farm?

It's not a crime to be different. It's not a crime to have a religion. It's not a crime to have ways and beliefs different from your neighbors. We don't all have to change religions every time we elect a new president or governor. That's what being an American partly all is about.

So why are we seeing, over and over, signs that being different is going to result in being removed from your home and family, even if you are not charged with a crime, and forced into the public eye in hopes of regaining your civil liberties and contact with your own family. What will it be next? Mandatory psychic evaluations of all fifth graders? Shall we start examining all girls annually from age twelve to seventeen to ascertain whether they are sexually active, and then place the sexually active ones in institutions as the "victims" of some crime? How about the mandatory psychological evaluation of all boys between the ages of six and sixteen to ascertain which ones have the potential to become abusers, and then incarcerate any who just might grow up to be abusers. Or maybe we should require all women who are in their third trimester take a parenting skill test to determine whether they can legally retain custody of the infant after birth. We could also make it a financial test, and only those capable of providing a certain level of financial security can retain custody too.

But that might leave room for error. Someone might prove to be different after all. The simplest way would to just require all infants to be surrendered to the State at birth, and raised in a state home. Parents can visit their offspring on the weekends and holidays, and will have a portion of their income seized to help raise their offspring. Wealthy parents can file for a "private home provision" to allow their children to be raised in a private environment, therefore providing economic stimulus in the community. That way, the majority of Americans have exactly the same upbringing, encouraging that uniformity we are striving towards these days.

While we are at it, we can eliminate the other expensive differences in the working and poor classes. No more will there be many cars on the road, all cars will be identical. Houses, they too need to be made more uniform, as do wages. Health care will cost considerably less if quarterly exams are required of all workers, and their medications will be distributed by the state too. Private ownership of houses would be eliminated unless you were well off enough to purchase a "property license", ensuring that property values stayed steady and the elite could police their own numbers.

That is ridiculous, you say. I agree. But once upon a time, I believed in religious freedom. I believed in diversity in American culture. Now, it's okay if you can't speak the language...as long as you conform in religion and ideology. If we continue to let this trend grow, and other religious sects, even ones we don't agree with, become victims, then we are writing our own death sentence for freedom. Say something, don't just sit there silently. Silence let the Nazis do their thing in Germany. Silence lets real victims remain victims. Silence can kill.

Don't be the one who provided the silence that killed.

This post was published to Exogeny Network at 12:55:49 AM 6/8/2008


Exogeny Networksm

– "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
- Douglas Adams

REPRINT of 2008 Press Release

26 May 2008 - Cleveland, Ohio

This is a Press Release, in Web Page format.

This is the first release in a forthcoming series of many.

Undoubtedly, this Press Release and its contents will have its own critics and detractors.

Unlike many Press Releases of the same specific nature, this Release is not written as self-aggrandizement.

I, Mr. Gregory R. Miller, of Cleveland, Ohio, The United States of America; do hereby, unequivocally declare my intention to obtain by campaign through the elective processes set forth in The Constitution of The United States of America, the Office of the Chief Executive of The United States as elected by the vote of the Citizens of The United States of America to the Office of the President.

Any and all parties interested in obtaining information regarding the Commission of Exploratory Committees on behalf of myself; as, in this regard I am to be declared a "public person" at this juncture and hereafter, are invited to do so, until the end of this campaign at the close of the polls on the night of National Elections.

I hereby allow this Press Release to be Reprinted, specifically only in its entirety, by referencing this web page.

The URL for this page is http://exogenynetwork.com/2008.aspx

Exogeny Networksm

– "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
- Douglas Adams


Welcome to the partners on the network...
What are you working on?

Working on finance for the Exogeny Network sm
one of the partners on Exogeny is working on finance for the network. While most everything in life has some private aspect to it, one of the purposes for the network itself is provide a more open platform for the exchange of information, ideas, and business to business relationship creation. It is true that Knowledge is power; open offering of knowledge is empowering others. When you have something good, you try to share it. If you are working on something that is good, it is not always the wisest strategy to conceal how you make it "go".


Profit Generation Program Company(tm) Group on Yahoo! Groups is a membership extension for an unincorporated association, affiliated with both the networking arm of the association, and the professional organization responsible for procurement of service programs and informational/educational materials for the benefit of our membership.
Join this Yahoo! Group today.
Organization details are also available at

Profit Generation Program Company.org & the PGPC Group Thanks you for your interest and welcomes you.


Investor Seeking Entrepreneurs - To invest foreign capital in Saudi. To
invest Saudi capital into the United States, and general Investors who
are seeking opportunities with Entrepreneurs.


Exogeny Networksm – "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
Douglas Adams


Tonight we're giving away a FREE DVD!!

Dragons & Rings: Put the Magick Into Your Life

Tuesday 03 June 2008 - LIVE - Steve Mitchell, Renaissance Man
7pm to 9pm Central Standard Time - United States

Dragons & Rings: Put the Magick Into Your Life

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Myrtle F. Miller

(c) Copyright 2008 Exogeny Network sm Media Partners All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Main Offices in New Orleans Louisiana - Cleveland Ohio - United States

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