10 July, 2008

Bone Appetite Pets 09.7.08

Exogeny Network
Bone Appetite Pets ©™ MaryMartha Miller
Bone Appetite Pets 09.7.08
Jade and Shadow.jpg
Jade and Shadow - Ok here is a pic of Jade and Shadow. It was taken 6-6-08. They are best of friend kinda like Milo and Otis! Jade was weighed today and he is up to 13 pounds.
Jade is normally 20 pounds and not fat!
Well, this month of June has been tough.
I am going to tell you why June has been tough. It will be sad and you may shed some tears, but keep reading after all that has happened it made me stop and think. I am not a person who has studied animal science and I am not an expert at anything. I do have knowledge, common sense, and emotions. I also have a great deal of love for anything living.
I am sad to report that on June 8th we lost Ashley. Her cause of death is unknown. Just natural causes I assume. We placed her in a space next to a couple of other loved pets. She had got out a couple of days ago. I figured that she had got caught by some dogs. Jade stopped eating and drinking and was constantly calling for Ashley. I moved him so that he would be around everyone including the birds. In two days Jade had lost about seven pounds! After I moved him, I got him to start eating and drinking again. He was still at a loss without Ashley. I found Ashley laying on the porch. She was not mangled or anything. What I am guessing is that she was unable to find water. After I collected myself a little, I got jade and took him to Ashley. He smelled her, rubbed his head on hers, and then he sat with his head to the ground for a moment. After he had his moment he came to me and I took him back into the house. Jade has come to be very close to Shadow. They sleep together and play together. Shadow is very careful with him. Jade has also not bothered Bruce and Sunny. He is eating and drinking normal and now we are trying to get weight on him. Every now and then he sits and you can see the sadness in him. When he has those moments I will pick him up, cuddle, and I cry with him.
I talk to animals just as I would talk to you. They talk back in their own ways. I don't understand why people can think that animals don't understand. Jade is and was suffering from depression, just like we do. He was calling for Ashley, just as we would do for a friend or loved one. He had is moment of sadness and a chance to say good bye, do we not do the same? We do and we all are living creatures.
I normally have water outside for the birds to come and bath in or drink. I haven't been taking the five minutes to fill those containers. We don't have as many songs sang around the house now. If I had been taking those five minutes Ashley might had a place to get a drink and we might have more songs sang in the mornings. One simple act of random kindness could have more of an impact then we will ever notice. A reminder for myself.
Now, the first thing I do in the morning when I get up is water the birds, feed the birds, and then I take care of everyone in the house.
Never underestimate a living creature.
A while back I watched a movie and if you are able to see it, I recommend it. The movie was called "Evan Almighty". It is a good one and it makes you think just a little. It is not a sad movie it is a comedy.
I have a couple of good recipes this time and I do hope you enjoy them. if you have any request or comments please email them to us. We would love to have some feedback!
August we will have Sky's birth-day menu up. Her Birth-day is August 6th and she will be six years old!
Calories: 286.4, Fat: 12g., Carbohydrates: 42.4g., Protein: 5.9g.
2 tbs. butter
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
2tbs. carob powder
1 egg
1/3 cup applesauce
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup wheat flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
8 oz. cream cheese (@room temperature)
1/4 cup apple juice concentrate (thawed)
2 tbs. lemon zest
4 kiwi fruit (peeled and sliced)
1/2 cup sliced, fresh peaches
1/2 cup fresh, pineapple chunks
1 1/2 cup sliced, banana's (about 2 medium)
Preheat oven to 350* F.
To make cookie crust: Cream the butter, honey, carob powder, and brown sugar together in a mixing bowl.
Add the egg and combine. Mix in the applesauce and vanilla.
In a small bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon together. Add to the sugar mixture, stirring just to combine. Gently stir in the oats, just to combine.
Spread the batter on a 12-inch nonstick pizza pan or line a baking sheet with parchment paper and make a 12-inch circle with the batter.
Bake until lightly browned, about 30 to 35 minutes. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then carefully transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely.
To make topping: In a mixing bowl, whip the cream cheese with the apple juice concentrate and lemon zest until light and creamy.
Spread the cream cheese mixture over cookie, leaving a 1/2-inch border around the rim.
Arrange the fruit over the top. Slice into 10 wedges with a pizza cutter and serve.
NOTE: For a fun effect if you are taking this to a "Pup Party", take it in a pizza box. The host will be surprised and it will make the trip a little bit easier!
Brown Munchies
Calories: 127.5, Fat: 9.8g., Carbohydrates: 7.4g., Protein: 3g.
1/2 cup shortening
3 tbs. honey
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup white flour
1/4 cup carob flour (powder)
12 oz. cream cheese ( at room temperature)
1 egg
2 tsp. honey
Preheat oven to 350* F. Grease and lightly flour a 9x13 pan.
Cream shortening and honey together thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients. Beat well.
Whip cream cheese and honey together until light and fluffy. Add egg and mix just to combine. Set aside.
Pour part of the batter into prepared pan. Pour filling evenly over batter. Pour remaining batter over the filling.
NOTE: If you would like to swirl it do so at this time. Use a knife or wooden skewer.
Bake until wooden tooth pick inserted in center comes out clean, about 25 minutes at 350* F.
Makes about 25 servings.
Bone Appetite!

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