11 July, 2008

Well I have an idea

Exogeny Network
by MaryMartha Miller
Well I have an idea and it will take many people pulling together to make it happen. I hope you are for it and that you can and will help to make it happen!
I received a text message today on my phone and that is what started the idea. The message was as fallows : AMBER ALERT in New Mexico!... 2 little girls kidnapped...Suspect is driving brown jeep liberty...License plate# is NM 43-6519 PLEASE forward. This message was sent to me on 6-8-08 @ 9:45am.
The thought I had is, why don't our cell phone companies send these messages automatically? The major roads and many freeway's have electric billboards that post these kind of messages so why not cell phones to? Most people now days have cell phones so how many people would get these messages while they where stopped to get food, gas, or break from driving and then get back on the road? It is something that I think would be a good idea. I have Verizon Wireless and they send us free text messages all the time regarding different things. This is something that could save lives! I feel as though they need to help just that little bit and make it free to their customers.
If many people pull together and talk to their cell phone companies and keep on it, we could make it happen! We could get all cell phone companies to send out the Amber Alert messages.
How I started was by going to the Verizon Wireless web site and clicking on "contact us" and sending them a email. Next time I am in their office I will bring it up their too. I sure hope you forward this email and also help get this done. We can do it people have done amazing things by pulling together! --MaryMartha Miller boneappetitepets@gmail.com www.exogenynetwork.com

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